Doctoral Defence: Fr José Carlos Isla Tejera
Posted on 18. Jun, 2016 in Carousel

Fr José Carlos Isla Tejera, pictured with members of the Pontifical Irish College community who attended his doctoral defence. Left to right: Fr Hugh Clifford (Director of Formation), Mons. Ciarán O’Carroll (Rector), Fr José Carlos Isla Tejera, Fr Thomas Norris (Spiritual Director), Fr Vasile Petrisor (postgraduate Priest student), Fr Colin Rothery (postgraduate Priest student).
Congratulations to Fr José Carlos Isla Tejera, of the Archdiocese of Granada, Spain, a postgraduate priest student at the Pontifical Irish College, Rome, who successfully defended his doctoral thesis at the Pontifical Lateran University on 17th June 2016. The title of his thesis was ‘Hiems quotidiana: Análisis cultural del miedo a la muerte en el pensamiento de Agustín y su relevancia en el contexto actual’ (A daily winter: Cultural analysis of the fear of death in the thinking of Augustine and its relevance in the present context.). His thesis was directed by Rev. Prof. Robert Dodaro O.S.A.
For photographs of the occasion, click here.