Wednesday, 19th February 2025

Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas: Summer Course – ‘Vatican II and the New Evangelization’

Posted on 14. Apr, 2013 in Carousel

Vatican II

Lay Centre Course description:

‘From its beginning, the Church has sought to respond to the call of God to evangelize, or to share the Good News of our faith in Jesus Christ. In the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi, Pope Paul VI goes so far as to say that evengelization is an essential part of the Church’s mission: “We wish to confirm once more that the task of evangelizing all people constitutes the essential mission of the Church. It is a task and mission which the vast and profound changes of the present day society make all the more urgent. Evangelizing is in fact the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity. She exists in order to evangelize.” (paragraph 14) This course will explore how the Church through the ages, as reflected in the art and architecture of the City of Rome, has fulfilled this mission.’

Registration for this program is open to the public who would like to audit this summer theology program. For more  information, please contact Prof. Robert White:

For a more details from the Lay Centre website, see