Tuesday, 22nd October 2024

Solidarity with South Sudan

Posted on 29. Apr, 2012 in Carousel

The Pontifical Irish College choose Solidarity with South Sudan as the charity to benefit from its 2012 Lenten appeal. During Lent the College residents, the congregation at Sunday Mass and other visitors to the College contributed to the weekly collection in aid of the charity. Irish College students organised a weekly Friday fast in support of the initiative. The guests at the St Patrick’s Day entertainment also supported a raffle the proceeds of which went to the lenten appeal. 

On Sunday 29 April the two seminarians who organied the lenen appeal presented the proceeds to Sr Patricia Murray, an Irish Loreto sister, the  Executive Director and Ms Anne Carthy Chief Development Officer with Solidarity with South Sudan after Sunday Mass. In expressing her thanks for the donation Sr Pat briefly described the work the organisation and other Church bodies were undertaining in the country. She also exprressed her appreciation of the support they received from the Irish goverment.  

 Solidarity with South Sudan is a project that seeks to promote the Kingdom of God in partnership with the local church and the people of Sudan through the establishment and development of teacher and health training institutes and other pastoral initiatives. It is a consortium of more than 170 religious congregations. The Irish Loreto sisters are involved in this project and run a school in the country.  South Sudan has only recently achieved independence and is facing daunting challenges in terms of feeding its people and building a new country. Solidarity with South Sudan has identified education and in particular the training of teachers as central to the survival of the country. The College community and friends of and visitors to the College contributed over €3,000 to the Lenten appeal will be used to help fund the training of 101 new teachers. For further information, please see the attachment or www.solidarityssudan.org